Gardening is an interesting, important and consumptive hobby for every body.Actually gardening is the practice of growing plants.There are many types of plants which can grow inside the rooms as an ornamental plants because of their bright color they give an attractive look.According to the U. S. Netherlands Flower Bulb Information Center, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses are among the easiest plants for beginners to grow successfully.
We must try to teach our kids about gardening and its importance.Children were involved with gardening from early age.Most kids in the early age like to play in the mud and gardening keep them close to nature and their interest and self esteem grow as their gardening efforts yield best result.
Herbs are good choice for kid to plant indoor.Herb grow very fast as compared to other indoor plants.Another indoor gardening project is forcing bulbs,which is an easy to keep children busy.
Bulbs can be be purchased from garden shops and home environment centers.Pot them as soon as you get them.
There are few things children enjoy more than digging in the dirt and making mud pies. They are fascinated by looking for worms and bugs and love to water the garden and anything else in the near vicinity. Children also enjoy planting seeds, watching them grow and harvesting what they have grown. By cultivating their curiosity about these things, you can help them to develop a love of nature and gardening. They will also enjoy the special time they get to spend with you.
Encourage their enthusiasm by planting seeds that mature quickly and are large enough for a child to easily handle.
Vegetables are a good choice for young children. They germinate quickly and can be eaten when mature. Some popular choices are radishes, zucchini, pumpkins, carrots, lettuce, peas, broccoli and potatoes Children may even be encouraged to eat vegetables that they have grown and would otherwise avoid. If you have enough room in the garden, gourds are a good choice. After harvesting, they can be decorated and used as birdhouses or autumn table decorations.
To add interest and color to the vegetable garden, you might want to add some flowers such as marigolds, nasturtiums and sweet peas. Be sure any flowers you plant are non-toxic.
Children love to choose the seed packets or starter plants for their garden and should be allowed to do the planting themselves. They can then proudly say it is "their" garden. After the planting has been done, be sure to put the empty seed packet or plastic insert in the soil next to the plants to mark their spot.
It is also important to include the child when deciding where to put the garden. This can be a good time to talk about what is required for a successful garden. Teach the young gardener that growing a healthy garden begins with good soil. Explain that plants, just like people, need to eat and drink. Make sure that the chosen spot gets enough sun and has a readily available source of water. The garden should be located where it is easily accessible to the child and can be admired by others.Read morehttp://eartheasy.com/grow_gardening_children.htm